
Learning Curriculum

Tylden Primary School has a strong reputation locally for its excellent educational programs and positive home-school relationships.

Students, teachers and parents/carers work together in a strong and mutually respectful partnership to achieve the best possible student outcomes. We are committed to the providing a challenging, comprehensive, relevant and stimulating curriculum for all students. Our knowledge rich curriculum reflects best-practice in how students learn.

At Tylden PS, we expect that every child will achieve at the highest possible level. Our learners are curious, articulate, socially capable and motivated. They are encouraged to achieve their personal best and develop the skills, attitudes and values to make a positive contribution to the local and global community.

The School Values of Integrity, Personal Best, Respect, Friendliness, Resilience, Teamwork and Creativity are prominent every day at school, always governing our work and underpinning our relationships.

At Tylden PS, we prioritise Literacy and Numeracy development, with strong foundations laid in the first years of school. The Reading program is firmly grounded in the ‘Science of Reading’ and classroom study in the early years includes synthetic phonics, phonemic awareness and decodable readers. We systematically build spelling, vocabulary and comprehension skills at all levels to consolidate strong literacy skills.

Tylden students mature into fluent and competent writers through a structured writing program based on the Writing Revolution.  The numeracy program develops fluency in number facts, number sense and problem-solving skills in a well-planned and methodical sequence from Prep to Grade 6.